Ok, maybe that sounds a bit dramatic, but hear us out. Most businesses today depend on data for their success. Items such as contact info, schedules, email, client databases, vendor accounts, financial records and sales histories are all forms of data businesses depend on.
It’s The End Of The World As You Know It…
Losing this information could be catastrophic for your business… the closest thing to the end of the world!
Whether you keep your data in physical files (not ideal) or in digital files (better), it is susceptible to loss or corruption. Circumstances such as a power surge, a local fire or flood, or even just human error can all destroy your most vital business data in an instant.
If you don’t have a backup copy of this important data, you are taking a calculated risk and should ask yourself “What would happen to my business if ALL this data was lost forever?”
Could your business recover? At what cost?
While this may be uncomfortable to consider, you must, and then take action today in order to be prepared for potential disaster tomorrow.
How To Survive The End Of The World Before It Happens
Backup your data! That’s how you survive a disaster before it happens. Having a secure, reliable, easy backup solution is what your business needs. However, it takes a lot of knowledge and time to set up and maintain. Even if you have both to spend (which most of us don’t), you are still left wondering “did I cover all the bases?”
At OnePointSync, we cover all the bases for you while saving you time and money! Utilizing Crashplan, we implement a proven backup strategy that assures the data you want to protect is securely backed up to an off-site location.
- Our backup solution is intuitive: It comes with software that works on any operating system and runs in the background of your computers without slowing them down.
- Our backup solution is automatic: While you are working it is silently backing up all your data, including any changes you’ve made to your data since the last backup.
- Our backup solution is secure: We’re talking Military encryption secure. From your computer to the cloud-based data center, your data remains encrypted and is inaccessible to anyone but you. This gives you peace of mind that you and your client data remains private!
- Our backup solution is accessible: In the event anything should happen, our CrashPlan Backup solution makes your backed-up data available to you anywhere and at any time! No matter where you are in the world, you can log into your account via computer or smartphone and retrieve the files you need!
OnePointSync Has Your Backup Needs Covered
Don’t put off backing up your data any longer… our backup solution is capable of meeting all your backup needs for your home and business. Contact OnePointSync for a free consultation and we will gladly give you a quote based upon your backup needs. It doesn’t take much of your time and is one of the best business decisions you’ll ever make!