How do you choose between On-Premise and Hosting email, and why? Here are some of their differences that will hopefully give you some insight and help you determine what is the best for you and your company.
On-Premise Email
Traditionally, On-Premise Exchange is a method of installing and of customizing software on your computers in your data center or offices. That means that you have total control of the environment, which can be very useful if you wish to configure your backup solution yourself, or how you want the mail to flow through and the size of the mailbox, as well as mail security. Some companies have IT experts who know how to manage exchange deployment, as moving the transition may be tricky. Should an issue or breakage happen with your exchange environment, your IT experts, because of their knowledge of the configuration, can immediately deal with and fix the problem quickly.
Remember that any transition will require some training so that your staff feels confident with the new system. You need to keep in mind and be prepared for the costs of this transition, from migration and licensing to training staff and the user community.
Hosted Email
Email hosting means that you will be using a service that runs email servers. If you own a domain name and you need an email with the name of this domain, this is when you need to sign up with email hosting.
Email hosting with Office 365 means that your IT department no longer needs to worry about the cumulative exchange updates, nor security updates. You are then able to focus on your business without having to think about your email service. It is all done automatically by Microsoft, and it starts functioning immediately, so you don’t have to wait to start using it. Hosting your mail in the cloud means that you do not need all the equipment you previously used, which in turn means lower costs, which makes email hosting exceptionally affordable.
If you are still unsure of what is best for you and your company, please contact us at OnePointSync. We can help you in making the right choice, making your email safe and secure to manage.