Most people think that downloading antivirus and refusing to open unexpected or unsolicited emails is enough to protect their data. While antiviruses work well to protect your system from unwanted programs, a firewall adds an added layer in data protection from attackers or other external threats.
What is a firewall, and how does it work?
Firewalls monitor your entire network’s traffic and can identify and block any unwanted traffic from passing through your system. As businesses continue implementing work from home policies and accessing company information remotely, hackers have more opportunities than ever before to hack into our systems.
Regardless of your business, firewalls are essential to your network. Don’t allow hackers to infiltrate your computers with firewall solutions by OnePintSync.
Types of firewalls
A firewall works to increase your security by limiting the amount of traffic allowed to flow in and out of your network. Some firewalls include a VPN server that allows you to securely connect to your work network from anywhere with the internet. While some have web filters to block traffic, others use content filters to block traffic based on keywords or categories assigned to websites that typically carry malware.
There are two basic kinds of firewalls OnePointSync uses to support and protect your business, Kerio and Sophos.
- Kerio control allows you to protect your network from malware, viruses, and other malicious activity. This product offers instruction detection and prevention (IPS), VPN, and industry-leading web content that can filter across 141 categories and report on individual users’ internet activity.
- Sophos protects your network by using multi-layered protection technologies like Advanced Threat Protection (ATP), IPS, VPN, and email and web filtering. For those with remote employees, Sophos RED (Remote Ethernet Device) provides them with remote access to any of your off-site data centers.
To find out OnePointSync can protect your business, contact us for a quote today.